A hair transplant is a procedure where hair is removed from a location where it is growing healthily and placed in a location suffering from hair loss. It has been shown to be one of the most effective and successful hair restoration options. However, many people are concerned whether or not they are viable for a hair transplant due to one medical condition or another. It is always best to speak with your doctor before receiving any kind of procedure, no matter what its nature is. This does include hair transplants.

Medical Concerns

Hair transplants are minor enough that nearly no medical conditions invalidate an individual to receive it. While hair transplants are a type of surgery, it is minimally invasive and considered quite minor as far as surgeries are concerned. This means it is very rare for any kind of condition to make it impossible or dangerous to have the surgery. It does involve an anesthetic, however, so any conditions that preclude you from receiving anesthetic could cause problems, including allergies. Your medical professional can give you more information about whether your medical status makes you a good candidate for a hair transplant.

Other Reasons a Transplant May Not Be Viable

While it is rare for medical reasons to stand in the way of a hair transplant, there are a few other reasons a hair transplant may not be the right procedure for you:

  • The wrong kind of hair loss – Hair transplants do not fix all types of hair loss. The best kind of hair loss for this kind of procedure is hormonal male or female pattern baldness. This is because the transplant requires some healthy hair to be collected and moved to the affected area.
  • Too much hair loss – Even if you have the right kind of hair loss, you may still not be able to receive a hair transplant if it is too extensive. You need to have an area with completely healthy hair which can be extracted and moved elsewhere. The hair that is collected cannot be in the process of falling out or thinning.

If you are interested in getting a hair transplant, the first thing you should do is speak with your doctor to find out if there are any health concerns for the procedure. You should also speak with a hair transplant doctor, like Dr. Robin Unger, to discover if you are a good candidate for a hair transplant. Knowledgeable medical professionals will be able to tell you more based on your unique situation.

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